their way to the temple
Balinese life will enlighten you in ways you've never
Unbelievable scenery,
beautiful beaches, terraced rice fields, friendly inhabitants,
and where ceremonies take place daily are just a few of
what enchanting Bali has for you.

cremation ceremony

...The people
...The surfing
is called the "Island of the Gods" where culture and
art are all part of daily life.
splendid place to stay is attthe
on Poppies Lane 1, Kuta,
Bali and ask for the "BaliBoyne.com
Bungalow" only
180,000 Rupiah (*$25 Canadian, $18 USA) for two, 2 pools,
free breakfasts, aircon, & best of all it's locally
owned, very friendly - intelligently
Tell them Boyne sent you :)
in the process of developing our very own BaliBoyne Inn.
You can secure 40 weeks of accommodations - see the investors
section & profit - or shop online and let your vacation
take care of itself. |
2001 Summer DrawWinner
update of this web page was on:
June 24, 2005
* currencies $ are approx.